The recordings on this page are ‘living recordings’ which means that the recording evokes locked up energy to be released from your system for your well-being. You are the healer of yourself and these recordings have been created to assist and support your process. Every time you listen to a recording, your system goes into deeper layers of that which needs to be released. You can listen to them at any time during the day and as often as you would like, including while sleeping.

Chair Yoga Mix

Chair Yoga Mix – Video This Chair Yoga mix class is for beginners of all ages. It incorporates movements to open and strengthen the upper body with the option of using 1 to 2 lb weights or none at all. It also addresses lower body strength, flexibility, and easy balance postures with the support of […]


Disassociation – Video Dissociation, on an energetic level, happens when we experience any type of mental, emotional or physical pain. If stress remains in the body’s system, we are not fully present in our body which can form different protective mechanisms in our personality traits. 57 minutes

Connect to Higher Self

Connect to Higher Self – Video Emotional stress, fear, comparison, and discomfort can cause blocks in our system that can disconnect us from ourselves, one another, the earth and Creation. This video can support you in releasing these blocks and fully embodying your Spirit. 55 minutes

Reclaim Your Power

Reclaim Your Power – Video Our programs, belief systems, ancestor’s stories and other’s stories may have created a block in our connection to our Power. As we release stress, wounding, prejudices, hurts, and regrets, we can reclaim our power and come into the truth of who we really are. 54 minutes


Wholeness – Video Everything in Creation is made up of systems. For example, our bodies, family, and community. If you are not happy with a system, you can have the power to make changes. This interconnection to everything is key for embodying our Spirit and being Whole. 51 minutes

Tap into Your Gifts

Tap into Your Gifts – Video Programs, ego, comparisons, incorrect belief systems, stress and more, can keep us from believing in many of our abilities and tapping into our gifts. We will go into cellular and DNA levels, which can bring our systems into alignment with the truth of who we are and our abilities […]

Release Worry & Fear

Release Worry & Fear – Video Mind-created worry and fears versus true survival fears. 99% of our worry and fears are mind-created. We can work with releasing unnecessary fears and the worry/anxiety they create. This can support the nervous system to create peace, calm and centeredness. 56 minutes

Connect with Elementals

Connect with Elementals – Video A ‘living’ recording sharing our connection to the Earth’s elementals, the cosmos, Source and one another. Understanding these connections is crucial to our healing process. As you listen to this video, your system will energetically work on healing these connections. 57 minutes

Release Program of Lack

Release Program of Lack – Video The program of ‘Lack’ can override our thoughts of gratitude and leave us in a reality of loss, victimization and even poverty. During this session, we can work on releasing ancestral lack as well as, other’s stories of not having enough that is projected through commercialism and fear. The […]